Suggestions to stay in Your Gun –

Hang around a clay target range with a coach around and you are bound to eventually hear the phrase – “stay in  your gun”.  Most often, coaches are telling the shooter to keep their cheek on the comb and not to lift their head to watch the target fly. 

During the “off” season – that same phrase shifts to a second meaning – keep shooting!

Think about it this way, if your son ran track or cross country, wouldn’t he be working out in the off season, logging a few miles a week?  The same holds true for basketball or baseball, soccer or hockey.  Kids who want to do well in their sport and get better at it will spend time working on it year round, not just when it is in season. 

Our trap season has wrapped up and school is finally out for the summer.  Your guns should be cleaned and oiled and wiped down.  But - there are many great opportunities to go shooting during the off seaon.  It may take a bit of effort, but it will keep you in your gun and there will be less rust to knock off come next season.

One suggestion that may work is for you and your friends would be to have a regular scheduled day/time a week just to meet and shoot a few targets.  Ranges are full of groups that meet regularly and shoot a few rounds!

Organizations –

WASP-B League.  This is a long running, very informal, 50 target (16s) league shot at several local ranges.  This is a fun event and an opportunity to shoot with your parents and siblings.  1st time shooters will need to register (for free).  Lone shooters are welcome as are full squads.

Their web site:

The Cornhusker State Games – Not to be confused with the Cornhusker State Shoot – the state games offers both high school and junior high trap shoots.  Very similar to a conference meet, gather up a squad or two and participate!

Web site:

The ATA – The Amateur Trapshooting Association does require a paid membership.  Upon registering, your scores at sanctioned matches will be recorded and tracked for you by the ATA.  Events are usually ala-cart, singles, handicaps and doubles.   Many local trap ranges are ATA registered ranges and offer “registered shoots”.   You can search for upcoming shoots that are in the area.

Web site :

The NSSA/NSCA – Very similar to the ATA, but this organization covers skeet and sporting clays.

Web site:

Ranges –

The list below contains a few ranges that are near Omaha.  There are many others in the area.  Most of these ranges offer registered events as well as fun shoots, hunter class (non-registered) or meat shoots.   For the most part, the folks who run these ranges are very good at it – maintaining a web site usually isn’t their strong suit. 

Ashland Gun Club

Bellevue Rod and Gun Club –

Harry A Koch – as we all know, a great range that just happens to be managed by a Creighton Prep trap shooting alum.

Lincoln Izaak Walton

Lincoln Trap and Skeet – they also have a sporting clays range

Oak Creek Sporting Club – sporting clays, 5 stand, trap and skeet

Papillion Gun Club – they claim to be the oldest gun club in Nebraska.  For many years, this was Creighton Prep’s home range.

Pheasant Bonanza Hunt Club - sporting clays, 5 stand, trap and skeet

Valley Trap Range